Withdrawing Assets

What if you want to access your original crypto assets? Withdrawing your funds from Amply is also straightforward.

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard Page: Locate your active supply and click “Withdraw”.

  1. Specify Withdrawal Amount: Enter the amount of tokens you want to redeem

  2. Confirm Withdrawal: Review the details and confirm the transaction. You'll receive the equivalent amount of your crypto asset back to your wallet.

Important Considerations:

  • Fully withdraw: If you wish to fully withdraw your deposit, click on the “MAX” button to do so

  • Health Factor > 1: If you have any borrowings, you can only withdraw your assets up till a Health Factor of 1. However, we encourage you to maintain a Health Factor above 3.

  • Forgo Interest: Withdrawing your assets means you'll no longer earn interest on that specific portion.

  • Market Fluctuations: The value of your withdrawn crypto might differ from when you initially deposited it.

By following these steps, you can efficiently retrieve your assets while understanding the potential implications.

Last updated